About Precious Proscovia

Proscovia or “Precious” as many fondly call her, is a Global Child Advocate, a NeuroScience Nurse, and the Founder of Precious Kids Foundation, strategically combining her expertise to serve humanity.

Precious Kids Foundation is a Humanitarian NGO providing Free rarely accessible medical treatment to children with Cancer and other life-threatening illnesses in impoverished communities of Uganda.
They also empower Orphans, Widows and Single mothers via education, Poverty Eradication, Community development, as well as Health and wellness advancement to prevent premature deaths, while enhancing economic empowerment for self- sustainability.
Drawing from personal tragedies, the deaths of her father, her auntie, and her grandmother all within 6 months in 2015, as well as the death of her big brother Emmanuel Joshua at 2yrs old from a preventable childhood illness when Proscovia was only 2months old, and from over 10yrs experience of caring for Orphans.
She now spearhead Massive Medical Mission camps to treat thousands using her nursing skills because prevention is better than cure.

In 2018, Proscovia brought volunteers from USA, and German treated over 4700 patients in Nkokonjeru, Kayunga District in 5 days. In 2019, she brought other volunteers and over 5000 patients were treated in just 3-days in Masese, Jinja District.

These services are FREE of charge to each patient who comes seeking medical help and our ultimate desire is to treat as many, so as to prevent premature deaths in children, as well as adults, that has led to countless orphans and widows in Uganda and other African countries.

Beyond Medical Missions, Precious speaks internationally, she has been a guest on multiple stages, podcasts, TV and Radio Shows. She is a transformational and empowerment coach, as well as an executive financial and Investment coach for socially conscious professionals who desire to Impact humanity while learning how to thrive to have the BOTH Time Freedom and Financial Freedom to Impact better and do life on your own terms

Her Philanthropic efforts and community service endeavors have taken her to many countries across the globe in service to humanity.
She is the recipient of multiple humanitarian service awards including “Iconic Women Creating A Better World for All”- from Women Economic Forum, “David Chow Humanitarian Foundation Award”- by the David Chow Foundation, “Diaspora Humanitarian service Award”- from Uganda Diaspora Network, “Beverly Hills Service Award” and many more.
A super networker within her “Network of Service”, her saying goes “I may not
know everything, but I know somebody who knows somebody who knows something”. She is the African Chapter President Overseer for Women of Global Change, she is a Women Council Member for the Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry by Women Economic Forum, a UN Member Participant and many more.
She is also an ordained minister, a musician/worshiper and an actress.
She is a Real Estate investor, a Financial and diversified investment Coach and is known as an excellent event planner and the CEO of Network Of Service, a uniquely blended community of socially conscious professionals joined by their desire to change the world through Serving, Impacting and creating a Legacy, while excelling in their businesses and sharing of their expertise and platforms to empower and transform humanity.

With a highly energetic passion straight from the heart, Precious motivates multitudes to find life fulfillment in volunteerism and she greatly delights in taking volunteers, both Medical and Non-Medical to her motherland Uganda and other African countries both to enjoy an African safari, but also to serve, share their expertise to treat and empower communities.
She has dedicated her life to Serving and Empowering many through skills Development, Entrepreneurship and Self-sustainability.

Precious Proscovia Namazzi, RN,FIP